What Makes You An Extroverted Introvert

So, you think you’re an extroverted introvert. Which can also be described as an introvert that suspiciously likes to hang out a lot or acted outgoing that one time. Before you panic, know that you are perfectly normal. Yes, normal and better yet — you get the best of both worlds in a way!

What makes introverts typically “intro-verted” is the fact that they need to reenergize themselves by spending time alone. The cliche of introverts hating any socializing with a passion is outdated and highly inaccurate. It all comes down to the person and their individual preferences and experiences. If you’re someone who knows you like to spend most of your time alone, then you could classify yourself as highly introverted. It also works the other way, where if you score quite a bit lower on the introvert scale, you could be more moderate or low.

Low introversion refers to having introverted characteristics, but more so extroverted ones. Which kind’ve makes you an extroverted introvert. If you have a number of the following traits, you could actually be more extroverted than you initially thought, even if you have always considered yourself a “typical” introvert through and through.

You Enjoy Going Out Or Staying In

Being an introvert means you enjoy your alone time, of course. But when you’re questioning whether you’re more extroverted as an introvert, you should pay close attention to how you feel in social settings. Are you someone who doesn’t feel too strongly about staying in or going out? Does it feel like you start to feel ready to head home after a set amount of time being outside or with others? The answer to these questions could clearly place you as more of an introvert-introvert or an extrovert-introvert.

If you lean more towards being really introverted, you’d definitely have a preference most days on going out and for how long. You’d naturally feel pulled back to where you could recharge, usually your home or a place you can relax and retreat back into your own thoughts and not feel distracted by your surroundings or others.

You Build Deeper Relationships

Extroverts popularly feel that the more friends they have the merrier. Even if their social group wasn’t even made up of close friends, that’s perfectly alright. Since they recharge by being around others, an extrovert won’t be picky about how they connect with the people they know and spend time with. Even if you’re more of an extroverted introvert, you’ll feel like you want to develop a deep connection with the people you know. You also don’t mind knowing a small group of people, as long as the greater value of having a rich and meaningful relationship is satisfied.

Introverts want to establish strong bonds because they tend to take longer to establish those bonds. You can think of an introvert as a trustworthy friend that you can bet to have for years and it’s all because of the time and effort they put into growing and retaining that connection.

Your Surroundings Link To Your Energy

If you find yourself feeling low energy in a similar place, think about why that is. Introverts do feel more at comfort depending on their environment, but so do extroverts. If you’re not feeling as motivated working in an office at home as in a café, then you might be more extroverted because you draw more energy from an “active” environment.

The same goes for your mood and what makes you happier at the end of the day. Where do you want to be when you want to treat yourself? What do you look forward to? A trip to the grocery store can be a drastically different experience for an introvert versus an extrovert. A highly introverted person could reflect on their experiences at the store previously, whether they were negative or positive, what they dreaded, or making a plan to help make the trip successful.

Because being in a public and possibly crowded space could cause them more trouble than they would bother with. On the other hand, true extroverts wouldn’t consider most of those things or need them before heading out the door to the supermarket. These little differences can really matter when you’re trying to figure out where you fall, personality-wise.

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Hana Othman

Hana Othman is the founder of SimpleHermit.com and identifies as an INFJ. Most days you can find her typing away or reading a book. Beyond that, she keeps busy as a dog and cat mom.