How to Customize Your Devices to Be Less Stressful

Our reliance on devices like smartphones, laptops, and tablets has dramatically increased in today’s world. And the constant notifications, bright screens, and overwhelming amount of information can frequently lead to stress. As this constant connectivity, while keeping us informed, disrupts our daily routines and peace of mind.

Customizing your devices to minimize stress is not just beneficial; it’s essential for maintaining mental clarity and well-being. By adjusting settings, filtering notifications, and organizing apps, you can create a more serene digital environment. This not only helps in reducing the distraction caused by unnecessary alerts but also aids in managing screen time to prevent fatigue.

This article will guide you through practical steps to tailor your devices for a less stressful experience. We’ll cover how to modify alert settings, optimize visual displays, and reorganize interfaces to foster a calmer, more controlled interaction with technology.

Adjusting Notification Settings

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to reduce stress from your devices is by adjusting your notification settings. Notifications are meant to alert you of important events, but too many can become overwhelming.

By customizing which notifications to receive and how you are alerted, you can significantly decrease interruptions and manage your digital environment more effectively.

Simplify Notification Alerts

Begin by revamping your notification settings. Limit alerts to essential apps only. This step cuts down the constant barrage of beeps and buzzes that disrupt your focus and raise stress levels.

Both Android and iOS allow you to customize which apps send notifications and choose how they alert you—through sounds, banners, vibrations, or silent notifications.

Set Scheduled Downtimes

Use features like “Do Not Disturb” or “Focus Mode” to set specific quiet times during which only priority contacts and apps can reach you. These features are particularly valuable during work hours or at night, helping ensure periods of uninterrupted peace.

Configuring these settings allows you to control your digital environment actively, making it a supportive space for your daily activities.

Tailor Notifications for Work and Home

You can also tailor notification settings depending on your location—work or home. For instance, allow work-related notifications at the office, and personal app notifications at home.

Most modern devices offer location-based controls that automatically switch settings as you move between geofenced areas.

Optimizing Screen Settings

The visual settings of your devices play an important role in how you experience them and can significantly impact your stress levels. Overly bright screens and harsh colors not only strain your eyes but can also disrupt your sleep and mood.

Optimizing your screen settings such as brightness, color temperature, and the time of day they adjust can create a more comfortable and less stressful viewing experience.

Adjust Screen Brightness and Color

One effective way to reduce eye strain and prevent sleep disruption is to adjust your screen brightness and color temperature. Especially in the evening, lowering screen brightness and switching to warmer color temperatures can help minimize the harmful blue light exposure.

Features like “Night Shift” on iOS and “Night Mode” on Android automatically adjust your screen to warmer colors as evening approaches, aligning with natural light changes and preparing your body for rest.

Use Minimalist Wallpapers and Themes

Simplifying your device’s interface can also significantly reduce visual stress. Choose minimalist wallpapers and themes with soothing colors to decrease visual clutter.

A clean and organized display not only looks appealing but also promotes a calmer, more focused interaction with your device. This approach helps make the device’s interface less overwhelming and supports mental relaxation.

Set Adaptive Brightness

Utilize the adaptive brightness feature available on most devices. This feature automatically adjusts the screen brightness based on the ambient light in your environment.

By doing so, it ensures that the screen is neither too bright nor too dim, optimizing comfort and reducing the energy your eyes need to expend adjusting to varying light conditions.

Customize Display Scaling and Text Size

Customizing display scaling and text size can further reduce eye strain. Larger text and optimized scaling make reading easier, minimizing squinting and the risk of headaches.

This setting is particularly beneficial for those who spend long hours reading or working on their devices.

App Management

Effectively managing the apps on your devices is key to maintaining a streamlined and stress-free digital environment. An overloaded device with numerous apps can slow down performance and make navigation frustrating.

By organizing your apps, uninstalling unnecessary ones, and updating those you frequently use, you can enhance your device’s functionality and your own productivity.

Organize Apps into Folders

A cluttered home screen can be a major source of stress. Organize your apps into folders based on categories such as entertainment, work, health, and finance. This not only cleans up your screen but also makes it easier to find the apps you need, reducing frustration and saving time.

Uninstall Unnecessary Apps

It’s beneficial to periodically review and remove apps that you no longer use. This frees up storage space and simplifies your digital landscape, making your device operate faster and more efficiently. A lighter, more organized app collection enhances your device’s performance and your overall user experience.

Keep Apps Updated

Ensure that your apps are regularly updated. Updates not only bring new features but also often improve app stability and security. Keeping apps updated can prevent them from becoming sluggish and reduce potential security vulnerabilities.

Use App Libraries and Search Functions

Take advantage of features like the App Library on iOS or the App Drawer on Android, which automatically categorize your apps. Using the search function can also speed up the process of finding apps, making it unnecessary to sift through multiple screens.

Wellness Apps

Incorporating wellness apps into your daily routine can transform your device from a source of stress to a tool for health and relaxation. These apps are designed to support various aspects of your well-being, including mental health, physical fitness, and sleep quality.

From meditation guides and fitness trackers to sleep sound machines and health monitoring, wellness apps help you maintain a balanced lifestyle.

Relaxation Apps

Integrate apps that promote relaxation, such as mindfulness meditation, guided breathing exercises, or ambient sound players. Apps like Headspace or Calm offer guided meditation sessions that can help reduce anxiety and improve focus.

Ambient sound apps provide a range of soothing backgrounds noises, from rain sounds to forest ambiances, which can help you relax or concentrate better.

Use Fitness and Health Trackers

Fitness apps like MyFitnessPal or Fitbit encourage regular physical activity by tracking your workouts, steps, and calorie intake. Health trackers monitor vital stats such as sleep patterns, heart rate, and overall fitness progress.

These apps can be pivotal in setting health goals, monitoring progress, and managing stress effectively through increased physical activity and better sleep hygiene.

Sleep Enhancement Apps

Consider apps designed to improve sleep quality, such as Sleep Cycle, which analyzes your sleep patterns and wakes you up during your lightest sleep phase, making mornings less stressful.

White noise apps can also be beneficial by masking disruptive noises at night, which helps to facilitate a deeper and more restorative sleep.

Adopt Health Monitoring Apps

Utilize health monitoring apps that keep track of your vitals and medical records, such as blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

Apps like Apple Health and Google Fit provide a centralized platform to monitor your health statistics and offer insights into your health trends over time.

Establishing Healthy Digital Habits

Developing healthy digital habits is essential for maintaining balance and reducing stress in our technology-driven world. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the constant influx of notifications, emails, and social media messages.

By setting boundaries for digital usage, you can take control of your technology interactions and minimize their impact on your mental well-being.

Set Clear Boundaries

Define specific times for checking emails, social media, and other potentially disruptive apps. Establishing clear digital boundaries helps prevent the anxiety associated with constant connectivity.

For example, you might decide to check emails only three times a day—morning, lunchtime, and before the end of your workday. This method helps compartmentalize your digital activities and prioritize your mental focus.

Practice Regular Digital Detox

Commit to regular intervals where you completely disconnect from all digital devices. This practice allows your mind to recover and reset, promoting better sleep and reducing anxiety.

Consider turning off your smartphone for a couple of hours each evening or dedicating one weekend day to staying offline. During these times, engage in activities that don’t involve screens, like reading a book, going for a walk, or meditating.

Manage Screen Time

Use built-in tools on smartphones and computers to monitor and limit your screen time. Features like Apple’s Screen Time or Android’s Digital Wellbeing dashboard provide insights into your habits and allow you to set limits on daily app usage. By understanding your patterns, you can make informed decisions about where to cut back.

Technology-Free Zones

Designate specific areas in your home, such as the bedroom or dining room, as technology-free zones. Keeping these areas free from digital devices can enhance interpersonal connections with family and friends and support a healthier lifestyle.

Less Digital Stress

Customizing your device settings to create a less stressful digital environment is a step toward improved mental health. By managing notifications, optimizing display settings, organizing applications, and using wellness tools, you can significantly reduce the stress caused by constant digital interaction.

Establish healthy boundaries and habits around device usage to maintain a balanced lifestyle. Ultimately, these changes will not only decrease stress but also enhance your overall productivity and quality of life. With these straightforward adjustments, transform your digital devices into allies against the chaos of modern life.

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Sarah Lowe

Sarah Lowe is a contributing writer at She identifies as an ISFP and is studying digital media at Washington State University.