How Introverts Can Network Successfully For Work

Networking can be a tough concept for anyone to wrap their minds around, let alone actually achieve. Some might not even be familiar with networking in a professional context. “Networking” sounds more like something your cable provider should be worried what than you. If you do know what it is, you could feel intimidated at the idea or find yourself getting too nervous before attempting to network, but there are ways to make it much easier – to the point that you don’t even notice that you’re networking! This means even those who are more on the introverted or reserved side can still reap the benefits of this valuable professional practice.
What networking means on a basic level is creating and maintaining relationships that will help your career. The networking relationships you have not only can help you find a job – but serve as contacts that help you grow yourself professionally and to remain qualified in your career.
Introverts may have more trouble making those connections because they feel more comfortable with people they’ve known and trusted for a long time. Approaching strangers with a motive is probably last on their list of things they’d want to do, even if they know that it would be beneficial to them professionally. To make the idea of networking more attractive for all the introverts out there, consider these tips.

Keep It Nonverbal
The whole point of networking is to communicate and to help each other. That doesn’t mean you have to communicate in person though, or even verbally. You can connect with colleagues or other professionals online through LinkedIn, Twitter, or other channels.
A big concern that an introvert might have is the initial contact or conversation with someone they don’t know. Even if they did know that person, it still might not come easy to request something like a reference, ask about job opportunities, or anything else a network contact can provide.
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Switch to nonverbal communication as much as you can when it comes to networking or discussions with others related to your career, like texting, IM’ing them, email, or another nonverbal method. If you don’t feel comfortable bringing something up in person or going to a networking event, there are alternative ways to still connect, grow, and tap into your network when you need it.

Don’t Shy Away
When you find yourself in a position where you’re having a good conversation or you feel good about making a professional connection, you shouldn’t hold back. Opportunities can come about unexpectedly and you could miss out on something great if you don’t free yourself to pursue them.
You could be discussing something in passing with an acquaintance or getting coffee in the breakroom at the same time as a colleague – in any situation, you don’t have to overthink what to say, how it will go, and how you might come off – just be yourself and be genuine. Whether you’re looking for a new job or trying to find a mentor to get better at your current one, or anything else you want to achieve through networking – it’s perfectly normal and even smart of you to do so.
Because networking works. What may seem the best way to find a job isn’t necessarily the ways we’re accustomed to. It’s become a matter of who you know and who will vouch for you. There are several reports in recent years that have indicated a much higher percentage of jobs are filled through networking than otherwise. Although it obviously isn’t required to network in order to get a job, it’s become something that certainly increases your odds, gauging from shifting hiring practices.

Make The First Move
Networking isn’t all about receiving, you also have a lot to offer others. By recognizing what you can teach and give through your own experiences, connections, and expertise, you can feel confident in making the first move and create an opportunity for yourself.
When you are capable of making those opportunities; instead of waiting for them to come to you, you encourage more connections and consistent growth for your network. You never know when you might need to make a career change or have someone to vouch for your skills – and any other professionals that network recognize that too.
You help each other by bringing your individual value and offerings to the table, then anyone else who links with either of you can add to that. The idea is to keep it going and grow your reach so that everyone in your network can reach goals and open themselves up to more opportunities.
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Hana Othman
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